Thursday, December 11, 2008

Silver City Idaho

Silver City Idaho is probably one of the best ghost towns in that it has many of its original buildings still standing giving visitors a great idea of what it was like during its years of full operation. Silver City is located just east of the Idaho Oregon border just in the Jordan Valley. Silver City had mines that were producing millions of dollars of ore during its operation. There was also a brewery and a bottling plant. About 1889 was when the town started its decline into a ghost town. At that time the city still had six general stores, two lumber yards, a newspaper, two hotels, and many doctors and lawyers. The towns down fall is said to have come from a murder there in town. A woman murdered her husband. It is told saying that this man added to the population above Slaughter House Gulch by his wife, the cemetery is located above Slaughter House Gulch. The Idaho Hotel that was in operation when the town was in full operation, is still existent and is available for guests still to come and stay in.

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